Spencer R. Higgins, Architect Incorporated | ||||
Practice |
Projects |
arconTEST |
Expertise |
Contacts |
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arconTEST incorporated | ||||
Architectural Conservators and Architectural Conservation Testing Laboratory Services | ||||
Profile |
Testing |
Projects |
Philosophy | ArconTEST’s philosophy evolves from the awareness that the practice of conserving and documenting our built history is evolving and becoming more demanding, thus bringing with ArconTEST emphasizes the interdisciplinary character of conservation by applying scientific techniques to architectural field work and introducing those involved with historic properties ArconTEST abides by the Code of Ethics of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) and its senior staff are members of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP). | |||
Resources | ||||
Research | ||||
Lab Analysis | ||||
Conservators | ||||